Our Fiat is a program for this time in the Church. It combines the formation of small faith communities within parishes, as recommended by Saint Pope John Paul II, with the practice of “Lectio Divina” (Latin for Spiritual Reading) as encouraged by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Our FIAT is a structured prayer program utilizing scriptural meditation and prayerful listening which draws you into a deeper personal relationship with Jesus. As you progress, you will become more aware of God’s loving action in your life and your spiritual life will be strengthened to help you meet today’s complex challenges.
Our FIAT has proven its ability to teach women ways to listen to what God longs to tell us.
The program is ideal for small faith groups. In small groups, individuals share their prayer experiences and learn from one another. As your group shares, you will find that others have also been touched by God, but in different ways. Through these differences, you quickly realize how God’s dealing with each of us in a unique and personal way.
Small groups will meet weekly and there will be occasional group meetings at St. Catherine of Siena. We encourage all the women of St. Catherine to consider joining us on this journey to come closer to our Lord Jesus through his word in Scripture.
For More information contact: Karen Bosso at 727- 535-3873 or Anita Hamrock at 727-535-3012